Under the authority of R.S. 36:254(B)(7) and in accordance with R.S. 49:950 et seq., the Administrative Procedure Act, notice is hereby given that the Louisiana Department of Health, Office of Public Health (LDH-OPH) intends to amend Chapter 61 (Automated External Defibrillators) of Subpart 3 (Licensing and Certification) of Part I (General Administration) of Title 48 (Public Health—General) of the Louisiana Administrative Code (LAC). The proposed amendments are necessary to update the LAC to match the amended R.S. 40:1137.3.
In 2016, R.S. 40:1137.3 was amended to no longer require any person or entity which possesses an Automated External Defibrillator (AED) to notify the Bureau of Emergency Medical Services in LDH-OPH. As of 2016, it is required that such notification be made only to a local provider of emergency medical services, such as 911 service, local ambulance service, or the fire department of the acquisition, location, and type of AED.
The Notice of Intent published in the Louisiana Register Vol.47, No.03 March 20, 2021.
Contact Information: Aliya Rubenstein - Rulemaking Liaison, Office of Public Health aliya.rubenstein@la.gov
Disclaimer: Please note that the official versions of the Notice of Intents are maintained by the Office of State Register’s website at http://www.doa.louisiana.gov/osr/osr.htm. Users are encouraged to visit the Office of State Register’s website for the official version.