Today, Gov. John Bel Edwards and the Louisiana Department of Health announced the fourth winners of the Shot At A Million COVID-19 campaign. Congratulations to Coty Hemperley and Nevada Charity for getting vaccinated and being this week’s winners.
Coty Hemperley and Nevada Charity were selected in the drawing conducted by the Louisiana Lottery Corporation and overseen by the Louisiana Legislative Auditor on Wednesday, August 4, 2021.
Coty Hemperley, 32, of Shreveport, won the fourth $100,000 cash prize as part of the Shot At A Million campaign.
Nevada Charity, 13, of New Orleans, won the fourth $100,000 scholarship prize as part of the Shot At A Million campaign.
“Coty and Nevada are great examples of young people who understand the importance of taking the necessary steps to protect themselves, their families and communities from this terrible virus,” Gov. Edwards said. “It is even more important now because of this dangerous fourth wave of the Delta variant that is causing so much illness among our citizens and especially our younger population. We need more Louisianans age 12 and up to follow their example and get vaccinated as soon as possible. We’ve seen far too many stories of children, teenagers and young adults being diagnosed with COVID-19, suffering greatly and being hospitalized. Most of them are unvaccinated. We have the power to turn this around by getting a vaccine and wearing a mask indoors to slow the transmission. Let’s work together to end this.”   
Click here to meet the winners.
The remaining five $100,000 scholarship winners will be announced next week along with the $1 million grand prize winner. 
A total of 902,758 people registered for their Shot At A Million.
“As we close out this month of weekly winners, I’d like to thank Coty and Nevada and our six other weekly winners for setting an example for all Louisianans about the importance of going Sleeves Up,” said Dr. Joseph Kanter, State Health Officer at the Louisiana Department of Health. “Everyone that has gotten a vaccine has already won: They will avoid serious illness and stay out of the hospital, they are eight times less likely to get infected and spread the virus, and they’re doing their part to keep their communities strong and healthy. I hope many more Louisianans will join them.”
Overall awards will total $2.3 million, paid using federal COVID outreach dollars.
Members of the media may download and share two versions of the winner video, with and without music, here.