Baton Rouge – The Department of Health has experienced an enormous response from medical volunteers across the country to assist in Louisiana’s recovery efforts following Hurricane Katrina.


LDH has now set up a Web site to streamline the process of registering volunteers.  All interested medical volunteers are asked to visit They will then be able to fill out a form with their contact information, area of experience and availability for service.  Once submitted, volunteers will receive an email confirming their registration and giving them more details about when they will be contacted by LDH staff.


LDH officials ask that anyone who volunteers his or her services waits for a return phone call from a department representative coordinating the medical relief effort before coming to Louisiana. A LDH official can speak with volunteers and coordinate their travel so that everyone can be assigned to an area where their medical skills will be of the most use.

For more health and safety information for cleanup after Hurricane Katrina,

