Louisiana Pregnancy-Associated Mortality Review (LA-PAMR)

Louisiana Pregnancy-Associated Mortality Review (PAMR) works to quantify and understand pregnancy-associated deaths in order to create actionable, comprehensive recommendations to prevent future deaths. This is accomplished through epidemiological surveillance and multidisciplinary case review.

Statutory Authority

LA-PAMR was established by the Louisiana Department of Health, Office of Public Health’s Bureau of Family Health under the authorization of the Louisiana Commission on Perinatal Care and Prevention of Infant Mortality (Louisiana Perinatal Commission) in order to understand and address maternal mortality in Louisiana.


The Louisiana Maternal Mortality Review Committee reviews all pregnancy-associated deaths of Louisiana residents, regardless of the cause of death. A pregnancy-associated death is the death of a woman that occurs during pregnancy or within one year of the end of pregnancy, regardless of the cause. This term encompasses pregnancy-related deaths, pregnancy-associated, but not related deaths, and pregnancy-associated, but unable to determine relatedness deaths.

Mission Statement

LA-PAMR will protect and promote the health of women & families in Louisiana through surveillance, multidisciplinary case review, timely reports, provision of actionable recommendations to understand and prevent pregnancy-associated deaths. We will accomplish this via supporting prevention, transformation, and innovation at the level of individuals, families, providers, birth facilities, health systems, and communities.


Contact Information

For more information about LA-PAMR, please contact:

Veronica Gillispie-Bell, MD, MAS
Medical Director, Louisiana Perinatal Quality Collaborative and Pregnancy Associated Mortality Review

Anjell D. DeGruy, BSN, RN
PAMR Coordinator

Carli Harvey, MPH
Maternal Morbidity and Mortality Epidemiologist


For more information go to PartnersForFamilyHealth.org/MaternalMortality


Louisiana PAMR Reports: 

Louisiana Maternal Mortality Review (MMR) Report: