Label Requirements
Labels must include:
- Statement of Identity:
- In the case of consumable hemp, “cannabidiol” is not sufficient as a descriptor. If the product is an extract, isolate, or tincture, the Statement of Identity should reflect that.
- This clear, distinct statement of the product should appear on the part of the label most likely to be observed by a consumer when the product is sitting on a shelf
- Net quantity of contents:
- Fluid items should bear a net quantity expressed in terms of volumetric or fluid measure (e.g., fl. oz. and ml) while semisolid or solid items should bear a net quantity statement expressed in terms of weight measure (e.g., grams [g] and ounces [oz.]
- Statements should include terms in U.S. AND metric systems
- For solid or viscous products, this statement must be preceded by a declaration of “Net”, “net wt.” or “net weight”. This statement is optional for fluid products.
- List of ingredients:
- Ingredients must be listed in descending weight order; the ingredient you used the most of should appear first in the list, with each following ingredient being the next-most used ingredient until the final ingredient: the ingredient you used the least of
- Flavorants need to be listed as artificial, natural, or both
- Cannabinoids and phytocannabinoids are insufficient descriptors – specify whether this is an extract/isolate/distillate
- Terpenes must be listed individually
- Responsible party declaration:
- Names/address of manufacturer/distributor
- Full street address needed unless the address is listed in a local telephone directory
- The zip code is mandatory
- The firm name must match the entity name that is registered with the Secretary of State
- If your firm changes addresses, you must update your firm’s information on the portal
- For firms other than proprietorships, the firm’s full name must be used as the responsible party name. This must be preceded by “Manufactured for” or “Distributed by” if any product is manufactured by another firm than the registrant.
- Names/address of manufacturer/distributor
- Allergens:
- The specific allergen must be named (tree nut allergen will not suffice: please list almond allergen if the product contains almonds) (fish allergen will not suffice: please list flounder if the product contains flounder)
- All allergens must be named. If dairy and peanuts are used in the ingredients, the firm must list both in an allergen statement.
- Nutrition facts
- Only FDA approved nutrients may be listed in the panel. Cannabinoids are not nutrients and should not be listed in the panel
- The panel must be separate from the ingredients list
- QR code or website URL:
- Certificate of Analysis must be directly provided through the URL or the QR code; the QR code or URL may not link to a google drive (or other file displaying program) containing the file
- If the URL/QR code takes you to a firm’s website, the COA must be placed so that it is easily seen on the website
- Serving Size
- If the product contains THC, a statement with the amount of THC per serving is required
- A unique UPC code/SKU
- Any adult-use consumable hemp product (any consumable hemp product that contains more than 0.5 milligrams of total THC per package) must be identified as such on the label
Labels may not include:
- Medical claims
- Medical claims include, but are not limited to: “for sleep”, “melatonin”, “for digestion”, “for digestive purposes”, “cure”, “treat”, “heal”, “cancer”, “relieve”, “pain”, “ache”
- Any claim that suggests the product is a “dietary supplement”