What are the eligibility criteria for receiving VFC vaccines?
- Children through 18 years of age that meet at least one of the following criteria are eligible for VFC: Medicaid Eligible, Uninsured, American Indian or Alaskan Native - as defined by the Indian Health Services Act.
- Underinsured children are eligible to receive vaccine only if they are served by a Federally Qualified Health Center, Rural Health Clinic or Office of Public Health, Parish Health Unit. (Underinsured - a child whose health insurance benefit plan does not include vaccinations.)
- Children whose health insurance covers the cost of vaccinations are not eligible for VFC program benefits, even when a claim for the cost of the vaccine and its administration would be denied, if submitted to the insurance carrier for payment, because the plan's deductible had not been met.
To enroll as a VFC provider please contact the Louisiana Immunization Program at (504) 568-2600.
For answers to frequently asked questions regarding the Louisiana VFC program, click here.