Outcome and Assessment Information Set (OASIS)
OASIS is the key component of Medicare’s partnership with the home care industry to monitor and improve home health care and is an integral part of the revised Conditions of Participation for Medicare Certified home health agencies.
OASIS is a group of data elements that represent core items of a comprehensive assessment for an adult home care patient. OASIS forms the basis for measuring patient outcomes for purposes of outcome-based quality improvement in Home Health.
The goal of OASIS is to provide a set of data items necessary for measuring patient outcomes and essential assessment elements. Overall the OASIS items have utility for outcome monitoring, clinical assessment, care planning, and other internal agency-level applications.
Certification Requirements: 42 CFR Part 484.11 Conditions of Participation
Complaints: 1-800-327-3419
QTSO website (www.qtso.com) : QIES Technical Support
CMS Remote User Help Desk - (888)238-2122; contact for difficulties connecting to CMSNet
To obtain a CMSNet User ID, complete and submit the CMSNet Access Request Form found on the QIES Technical Support Office (QTSO) web site.
OASIS Assessment Deletion Request Form
Phone: 225-342-6446
Fax: 225-342-5073