Therapeutic Group Homes (TGH)

Therapeutic Group Homes (TGH) are licensed by the Louisiana Department of Health, Health Standards Section.  A TGH is defined as a facility that provides community-based residential services in a home-like setting of no greater than 10 beds under the supervision and oversight of a psychiatrist or psychologist. TGHs provide a structured living environment 24 hours per day, seven days per week.

The purpose of a TGH is to provide community-based services in a homelike environment to clients under the age of 21 who are determined to need psychiatric or psychological services.

Each TGH shall deliver an array of clinical treatment and related services, including psychiatric supports, integration with community resources, and skill building taught within the context of a safe home-like setting under the supervision of a professional staff person. The goal of a therapeutic group home is to maintain the client's connections to their community, yet receive and participate in a more intensive level of treatment in which the client lives safely in a 24-hour setting.


The TGH application packet shall include the TGH application form and all additional documentation required by the TGH regulations.  Please refer to the sections 6207 General Provisions and 6209 Initial Licensing Application Process of the TGH regulations to verify.   NOTE:  It is the responsibility of the pursuant TGH applicant to obtain all inspections and approvals by local agencies including local Zoning Boards and ordinances. 

TGH Criminal Background Check Information- effective October 1, 2019

  1. TGH- Licensing Standards Criminal Background Checks
    1. TGH Criminal Backgrond Check Process- Effective November 6th 2023
    2. CLICK HERE to access the Attestation for TGH Privacy Statement, AUTHORIZATION TO DISCLOSE CRIMINAL HISTORY RECORDS INFORMATION Form/LDH Criminal Background Authorization Form, and Rap Disclosure Form
    3. IdentoGO
    4. DCFS Child Abuse and Neglect Clearance System (CANS)


Program Manager Contact Information


Michael Mire

Phone: 225-342-0255

Fax: 225-342-5073