My Place Louisiana

What is My Place Louisiana?

My Place Louisiana supports elderly individuals, adults with physical disabilities, and children and adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities in transitioning safely from qualified institutions. The program uses Medicaid funds that would have paid for eligible individuals to receive care in a nursing home, intermediate care facility, hospital, or other qualified facility, and utilizes those funds to assist with establishing them into home and community-based services.  My Place Louisiana can be accessed either through the Office of Aging and Adult Services (OAAS) or the Office for Citizens with Developmental Disabilities (OCDD).


Eligibility requirements for My Place Louisiana

To be eligible for My Place Louisiana a person must:

  • Qualify for Medicaid*
  • Qualify for an OCDD or OAAS Waiver*
  • Currently reside in a nursing facility, an intermediate care facility, or a hospital, for at least 60 consecutive days
  • Qualify for home and community-based services*

*As determined by Louisiana Medicaid

Benefits of My Place Louisiana

My Place Louisiana participants may be eligible to receive additional services, supports and resources that may not be otherwise covered by Medicaid if they are essential to transition.  Benefits may include:

  • Additional home or environmental modifications or Durable Medical Equipment (DME) not covered by Medicaid
  • Community healthcare provider(s) consultation
  • Documents needed to apply for housing (birth certificates, identification)
  • Short-term emergency security deposit assistance

Other assistance may be available depending on need, and program (OAAS vs OCDD)

Click for BrochureFor additional information choose the population you are interested in learning more about:OAAS  - Elderly or Adults with Physical Disabilities -- Elderly, seniors (age 65 and older) or adults (who developed the disability at age 22 or later) with a physical disability residing in nursing facilities  Contact Us

OCDD  - Children from birth to nineteen years of age or people of any age with a developmental or intellectual disability residing in a hospital or nursing facility, ICF/DD, or Specialty hospital. Contact Us


My Place Louisiana Brochure

Contact Info:

Adrienne Brooks
Medicaid My Place Louisiana Program Manager
(225) 342-2085

Scott Tuma
OCDD My Place Louisiana Program Manager
(225) 342-0095

Andrea Cressionnie
OAAS My Place Louisiana Program Manager
(504) 352-1739