Permanent Supportive Housing (PSH)
What is the Permanent Supportive Housing (PSH) program?
The Louisiana Permanent Supportive Housing (PSH) program links affordable rental housing with voluntary, flexible, and individualized services to people with severe and complex disabilities, enabling them to live successfully in the community.
After Hurricanes Katrina and Rita, advocates for both people with disabilities and homeless people, along with consumers, service providers, and state/local governmental agencies formed a successful partnership that resulted in PSH being included into the LA Road Home plan. This led to the development of over 3,000 units of permanent supportive housing for extremely low income people with disabilities. Through partnership with the Louisiana Housing Corporation (LHC), the PSH program has thus far served over 2,000 households, giving them not only permanent, affordable housing but the support services they need to retain that housing.
Why is this program so successful?
Louisiana achieved national recognition as the country's first cross disabilities PSH program. It serves individuals with developmental or adult on-set disabilities and addresses both physical disabilities and those related to behavioral health. The program's success is based on the inclusion of services that are:
- Flexible and responsive to the needs of the individual
- Available when needed by PSH tenants
- Accessible where the tenant lives
Housing retention is essential to stabilize participant's health conditions. The PSH program currently has a high tenancy retention rate of 95% for its participants. Preliminary data indicates a 25% reduction in Medicaid costs for people in the PSH program.
Who can qualify for PSH?
Households who are eligible for Permanent Supportive Housing meet the following criteria:
- Include a person who has a significant, long-term disability that currently receives either Mental Health Rehabilitation Services, an eligible OAAS or OCDD waiver, Ryan White services, or Medicaid institutional services such as nursing home or ICF/IID.
- Need of housing supports offered by the PSH Program
- Meet low-income requirements
- For some subsidies, qualifying household member must be between the ages of 18 and 61
How to apply
To apply for services in South Louisiana, download an application HERE.
To apply for services in North Louisiana, applications can only be submitted by qualified referral sources. For more information, please call 844-698-9075.
For more information
For more information, contact:
Permanent Supportive Housing
1450 Poydras Street, Suite 1133
New Orleans, LA 70112
Phone: 1.844.698.9075 (toll free)
Email (preferred method): (application must be attached to the email as a single pdf)
Provider Resources
- PSH Fact Sheet
- Permanent Supportive Housing Providers Training
- Permanent Supportive Housing - Molina
- Program Integrity for PSH
- Fraud - Signs to Watch For
- APS Information for PSH Providers
- Helpful Hyperlinks for PSH in CCW
- Important Contact Information for PSH