Home and Community Based Service Providers (HCBS)
Effective July 1, 2011 the Department of Health and Hospitals, Bureau of Health Services Financing adopted provisions to establish comprehensive minimum licensing standards for HCBS providers and a single HCBS license. Providers of the following services, or modules, shall be licensed under the HCBS license:
1. Adult Day Care (ADC)
2. Family Support
3. Personal Care Attendant (PCA)*
4. Respite Care*
5. Substitute Family Care (SFC)
6. Supervised Independent Living, including Shared Living Conversion services*
7. Supported Employment
8. Monitored In-Home Care*
A person, or provider, who desires licensure to provide one or more of the above services must first read & understand information in the regulations. Modules that have an asterisk (*) require approval from the Facility Need Review (FNR) committee before the provider can apply for a license from Health Standards Section. The FNR web page can be viewed at the following web link: click here .
Prior to licensure, persons who are approved to apply for an HCBS license, must first review and become knowledgeable of the HCBS licensing regulations as well as the regulatory training videos posted on the HCBS web page under the link titled Provider Training and Resources. The applicant for licensure must present the certificates that can be printed down upon completion of the training videos. Only until a complete licensing application and viewing of the required training is completed, will the applicant be authorized for an initial licensing survey. Certificates of training are for the licensing application, not FNR application packet.
- Regulations
- State Regulations Minimum Licensing Standards LAC 48:1 Chapter 50 and Chapter 51
- SB 53 Act 57 2020 Second Extraordinary Session Exemption from the Criminal History and Security Check requirement for certain rehired persons
- Statutory requirements for Home and Community Based Services can be found at Louisiana Revised Statutes RS 40:2120.2 through RS 40:2120.7 located on the Louisiana State Legislature's web site beginning at http://www.legis.la.gov/Legis/Law.aspx?d=321360
- Other Licensure Requirements
- Fees for Waiver Programs
- Payment Procedure and Transmittal Form
- Louisiana Register Vol. 44, No. 12 December 20, 2018- Chapter 41 Expedited Licensing Process for Healthcare Facilities and Providers Licensed by the Department of Health
- Licensing Application
- License Renewal
- Disclosure of Ownership Form
- Key Personnel Change, Change of Address
- Change of Ownership
- Add or Delete a Service Module
- Add Branch or Satellite Location
- Deemed Status Request
- Facility Closure: OAAS Memo to Providers: Business Closure Procedures
Emergency Preparedness
- Developing an All Hazards Risk Assessment and Emergency Plan
Other Helpful Links
- Complaints
- Facility Need Review
- Criminal Background Check
- LDH Home Page
- LDH Administrative Regions Map
- HCBS Service Module and Branch/Satellite Diagram
- Office of State Fire Marshal- Click here for OSFM portal
- Location
- Declaration of Emergency for: LDH, BHSF/OAAS/OCDD:
- Suzelle Coward, RN- click here to email
- Adrienne Marchand, BSN, RN - click here to email
- Rena Brown, MSN, RN- click here to email
- Shantell Jones, MHA, MPH - click here to email
- Program Desk Phone number: 225-219-9776
- Fax number: 225-342-0453
- Email address: hss.mail@la.gov