Panflu, All-Hazards Training and Outreach to Tribal Communities

In 2021, the Bureau of Minority Health Access and Promotions (BMHAP) entered into an agreement with the Office of Public Health - Bureau of Community Preparedness (BCP) to facilitate and support pandemic influenza, all-hazards training and outreach to Louisiana’s Native American tribes, and increase tribal participation in state preparedness and response efforts. BMHAP conducted all-hazards planning assessments among Louisiana tribal communities to evaluate current state of preparedness and improve all-hazards preparedness in Louisiana Tribal communities.  

Below are tribal communities that works closely with BMHAP to reduce health disparities, increase testing, vaccinations, conduct trainings on updated pandemic quarantine protocols and emergency preparedness procedures among tribal members and their families.


Butte Tribe of Bayou Bourbeaux-

expand the Health Tribe Initiative by implementing the Own Your Own Health (OYOH) Physical Activity and Nutrition Program for their tribe members. OYOH is a comprehensive physical activity and nutrition tracking program provided on the Louisiana Department of Health website. It is designed to help Louisianans combat obesity and related chronic illnesses by encouraging them to develop healthy activity and eating habits. The risk of developing dangerous COVID-19 symptoms increase in people who have serious health problems or preexisting conditions such as obesity, high blood pressure, diabetes, respiratory illness,heart disease, and lung problems. Tribal leaders will use the OYOH program to address physical health concerns within the tribe. Learn more


Save the St. Tammany Chahta Tribe-
Expand emergency preparedness trainings and include "All Hazards" trainings for the Community Preparedness Response Network (CPRN) that is designed to assist low-income communities with establishing their own community preparedness plan in the event of a natural disaster or pan flu outbreak. Contractor will continue to provide these hard-to-reach populations training in quarantine protocols as it relates to Coronavirus or Covid-19 and make available resources to assist them with relief and recovery efforts specific for their communities. Learn more


  Choctaw-Apache Tribe of Ebarb-
Host trainings and demonstrations with tribal members and new partners from state-recognized tribal nations on Implementation of Mitigation Strategies for Tribal Communities with Local COVID-19 Transmission and information on Coronavirus and Covid-19 resources.
will present an overview of the Office of Public Health’s Family Readiness Guide and provide a list of necessary items distributed to tribal members for their Emergency Preparedness Kits in the event of a natural disaster or pan flu outbreak. Learn more


  Clifton Choctaw Reservation, Inc.-

provide emergency preparedness trainings for tribal members and their families of the Clifton Choctaw Tribe of Louisiana Trainings will include though not necessarily limited to Emergency Preparedness procedures, Coronavirus or Covid-19 outbreak, and Tribal Community Guidance Initiatives. The primary purpose of this project is to implement the activity (activities) to educate tribal members and their families on establishing an emergency preparedness plan with quarantine protocols in the event of a pan flu outbreak. Learn more

  Chitimacha Tribe Of Louisiana- Activities forthcoming