Informational Bulletins

NOTE: Informational Bulletins that summarize policies and/or procedures of each Plan are intended for quick reference and are  accurate on the date they are issued. However, you should always check each Health Plan's Provider Manual--once it is finalized and posted on their website--as well as your actual contract as requirements may differ or change.

Informational Bulletin 25-4: JYNNEOS Vaccine (CPT 90611)

Informational Bulletin 25-3: Place of Service Code 27: Outreach Site/Street for Federally Qualified Health Centers and Rural Health Clinics

Informational Bulletin 25-2: Emergency Room Utilization Reduction Pilot Program

Informational Bulletin 25-1: Third Party Liability Portal – Third Party Referral Module

Informational Bulletin 24-49: Durable Medical Equipment Ordering and Referring Provider Requirements

Informational Bulletin 24-48: 2025 Healthcare Common Procedure Coding System (HCPCS) Update

Informational Bulletin 24-47: Attention LEA Providers: Correction to the Exclusions for the OPR NPI Requirement and Claim Recycle

Informational Bulletin 24-46: New Third Party Liability Portal Functionality: BTPL Search

Informational Bulletin 24-45: Immunization Fee Schedule for Children: Influenza Trivalent (IIV3) – CPT 90656

Informational Bulletin 24-44: Place of Service 27: Outreach Site/Street

Informational Bulletin 24-43: Procedure Code Modifier Utilization Listing

Informational Bulletin 24-42: Immunization Fee Schedule Updates: 2024-2025 Influenza Vaccines and VFC (Revised November 19, 2024)

Informational Bulletin 24-41: Emergency Oxygen Equipment and Supplies Policy Clarification

Informational Bulletin 24-40: Carrier Code Management (CCM)

Informational Bulletin 24-39: Beneficiary Third Party Liability Data Migration

Informational Bulletin 24-38: Certification of Ambulance Transportation (CAT) Form Revision

Informational Bulletin 24-37: Immunization Fee Schedule Updates

Informational Bulletin 24-36: Third-Party Liability Carrier Code – Medicare Advantage Carrier Code Updates

Informational Bulletin 24-35: Third-Party Liability Act 486 (HB655)

Informational Bulletin 24-34: Coverage of Disposable (Elastomeric) Infusion Pumps

Informational Bulletin 24-33: Open Enrollment for 2025 Health Plans

Informational Bulletin 24-32: Substance Use Disorder Provider Reimbursement Update (Revised October 29, 2024)

Informational Bulletin 24-31: Coverage of Respiratory Viral Panels

Informational Bulletin 24-30: Vision (Eyewear) Reimbursement Rate Update

Informational Bulletin 24-29: Act 246 of the 2024 Louisiana Regular Legislative Session

Informational Bulletin 24-28: Appropriate Use of CARC/RARC Codes in Claims Adjudication

Informational Bulletin 24-27: Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (Revised October 28, 2024)

Informational Bulletin 24-26: Brief Emotional/Behavioral Assessment

Informational Bulletin 24-25: Expansion of Mental Health Professionals (Revised September 6, 2024)

Informational Bulletin 24-24: LDH Guidance on Brain Death Determination for Providers

Informational Bulletin 24-23: Update: Radiation Oncology Therapies

Informational Bulletin 24-22: Provider Enrollment Portal Rebaseline (Revised October 28, 2024)

Informational Bulletin 24-21: Changes to Third Party Liability Carrier Code Listing

Informational Bulletin 24-20: X- Modifier Utilization

Informational Bulletin 24-19: Consideration of Policy Changes and New Benefit Coverage

Informational Bulletin 24-18: Screening Mammography Coverage Update (Revised August 23, 2024)

Informational Bulletin 24-17: Corneal Collagen Cross-Linking Coverage

Informational Bulletin 24-16: Proprietary Laboratory Analyses Changes

Informational Bulletin 24-15: Preferred Drug List Update for July 1, 2024 

Informational Bulletin 24-14: Dental Sealant Policy Update

Informational Bulletin 24-13: Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) Manual Updates

Informational Bulletin 24-12: Managed Care Organization Provider Directory Project

Informational Bulletin 24-11: Updates to the Outpatient Hospital Fee Schedule Based on NCCI MUEs

Informational Bulletin 24-10: LEAs and Respective Billing Agencies – Changes to NCCI MUE Edits

Informational Bulletin 24-9: Therapy Services in Federally Qualified Health Centers, Rural Health Clinics and American Indian Clinics

Informational Bulletin 24-8: 2024 Emergency Medical Transportation Methodology Update and Air Ambulance Mileage Rate Increase

Informational Bulletin 24-7: LDH Breast Pump Coverage Changes Effective March 1, 2024 (Revised October 29, 2024)

Informational Bulletin 24-6: Newborn and Deemed Eligible MCO Assignment Mismatch Corrections

Informational Bulletin 24-5: Pediatric Day Health Care (PDHC) Policy Reminder

Informational Bulletin 24-4: Managed Care Ambulance Provider Issue Resolution (Revised February 3, 2025)

Informational Bulletin 24-3: Immunization Fee Schedule Updates

Informational Bulletin 24-2: ASAM Criteria Updates for Adult Substance Use Services (Revised June 26, 2024)

Informational Bulletin 24-1: 2024 Healthcare Common Procedure Coding System (HCPCS) Update

Informational Bulletin 23-22: Administration of Respiratory Syncytial Virus Vaccines

Informational Bulletin 23-21: Tobacco Cessation Counseling – Expanded

Informational Bulletin 23-20: Update to Topical Fluoride Varnish Coverage for Dental Providers

Informational Bulletin 23-19: Open Enrollment for 2024 Medicaid Managed Care and Dental Plans

Informational Bulletin 23-18: Managed Care Organization Credentialing for Medical Staff of Hospitals, Federally Qualified Health Centers, and Rural Health Clinics

Informational Bulletin 23-17: Coverage for Portable Oxygen Concentrators

Informational Bulletin 23-16: 2023 Physician-Administered Drug Reimbursement Update

Informational Bulletin 23-15: Louisiana Healthcare Connections Termination of Dental Value-Added Benefit Coverage

Informational Bulletin 23-14: Electronic Visit Verification for Home Health Services (Revised January 19, 2024)

Informational Bulletin 23-13: Anesthesia for Pain Management

Informational Bulletin 23-12: Midwifery Services Reimbursement Rate Update (Revised August 18, 2023)

Informational Bulletin 23-11: Diabetic Supplies Coverage as a Pharmacy Benefit (Revised January 26, 2024)

Informational Bulletin 23-10: COVID-19 Laboratory Tests – Update of HCPCS Codes U0003, U0004 and U0005 (Revised July 14, 2023)

Informational Bulletin 23-9: 2023 Healthcare Common Procedure Coding System Update

Informational Bulletin 23-8: Coverage of Makena for Prevention of Pre-Term Birth

Informational Bulletin 23-7: Comprehensive Dental Care for Adults with Developmental or Intellectual Disabilities Residing in an Intermediate Care Facility

Informational Bulletin 23-6: Home Health Services Reimbursement Rate Update

Informational Bulletin 23-5: Provider Policy Update: Early and Periodic Screening, Diagnosis and Treatment Personal Care Services

Informational Bulletin 23-4: Immunization Update: Pneumococcal Vaccine (15 valent) for Ages 0-18

Informational Bulletin 23-3: Reimbursement for Portable Oxygen Contents

Informational Bulletin 23-2: Procedure for Submitting 148 Admission Forms

Informational Bulletin 23-1: Preparation 2023 Healthcare Common Procedure Coding System Update

Informational Bulletin 22-39: Member Enrollment for 2023 Health Plans

Informational Bulletin 22-38: Medicaid Provider Enrollment Portal Update and Requirements (Revised November 14, 2023)

Informational Bulletin 22-37: 2022 Non-Emergency Ambulance Transportation Ground Mileage Rate Increase

Informational Bulletin 22-36: Changes to Billing for Substance Use Disorder Intensive Outpatient Program Treatment (Revised December 7, 2022)

Informational Bulletin 22-35: Human Donor Milk Outpatient Coverage

Informational Bulletin 22-34: Vision (Eyewear) Same Day or Subsequent Day Follow-Up Office Visit Policy

Informational Bulletin 22-33: Act 151 – Legislation to Allow for Exceptions for Limited Criminal Offenses in Medicaid Peer Support

Informational Bulletin 22-32: Evaluation and Management Services for Medicaid Beneficiaries Living in Nursing Facilities and Assisted Living Facilities

Informational Bulletin 22-31: Enteral Formula Reimbursement Methodology and New Fee Schedules (Revised February 10, 2023)

Informational Bulletin 22-30: General Inpatient Care During the Hospice Election Period

Informational Bulletin 22-29: New HCPCS Codes for Continuous Glucose Monitoring Devices

Informational Bulletin 22-28: COVID-19 – Commercially Purchased Bebtelovimab Reimbursement (Q0222) (Retired)

Informational Bulletin 22:27: Updated Sterilization Consent Form

Informational Bulletin 22-26: Immunization Update – Monkeypox Vaccine

Informational Bulletin 22-25: Prior Authorization of Reimbursement for Non-invasive and Invasive Ventilators

Informational Bulletin 22-24: Pediatric Day Health Care Reimbursement Update (Revised May 14, 2024)

Informational Bulletin 22-23: Reimbursement for Continuous Glucose Monitoring Devices

Informational Bulletin 22-22: Act 503: Changes to Community Psychiatric Support and Treatment and Psychosocial Rehabilitation Services  (Revised December 7, 2022)

Informational Bulletin 22-21: Community Health Workers in Federally Qualified Health Centers and Rural Health Clinics (Revised November 23, 2022)

Informational Bulletin 22-20: Community Health Workers

Informational Bulletin 22-19: Applied Behavior Analysis Services Fee Schedule Effective July 1, 2022

Informational Bulletin 22-18: Comprehensive Dental Care for Adults with Developmental or Intellectual Disabilities Enrolled in Home and Community Based Waivers

Informational Bulletin 22-17: Allergy Testing and Allergen Immunotherapy Policy Update

Informational Bulletin 22-16:  Immunization Update – Pneumococcal Vaccines

Informational Bulletin 22-15: Urine Drug Testing Policy Update

Informational Bulletin 22-14: COVID-19 Monoclonal Treatment in Federally Qualified Health Centers and Rural Health Clinics Throughout the Public Health Emergency (Retired)

Informational Bulletin 22-13: 2022 HCPCS and Physician-Administered Drug Reimbursement Updates

Informational Bulletin 22-12: Remote Patient Monitoring Policy

Informational Bulletin 22-11: Removal of the NPI Requirement for Direct Service Workers of Behavioral Health Personal Care Services

Informational Bulletin 22-10:  Termination of the Non-Emergency Medical Transportation Temporary Mileage Rate Increase (Revised July 14, 2023)

Informational Bulletin 22-9: Sterilization Consent Form

Informational Bulletin 22-8: Coverage of Human Milk Storage Bags as Durable Medical Equipment Benefit

Informational Bulletin 22-7: Reimbursement Update – Early and Periodic Screening, Diagnostic and Treatment Personal Care Services

Informational Bulletin 22-6: In Lieu Of Services Policy

Informational Bulletin 22-5: Pharmacy Brand Name and Generic Drugs Policy (Revised March 3, 2022)

Informational Bulletin 22-4: Medicaid Provider Enrollment Portal (Revised September 2, 2022)

Informational Bulletin 22-3: Sinus Procedures Policy

Informational Bulletin 22-2: COVID-19 Vaccine Administration and Treatment Reimbursement Updates (Retired)

Informational Bulletin 22-1: MCO Preparation – 2022 Healthcare Common Procedure Coding System Update

Informational Bulletin 21-30: Cardiovascular Services Policy

Informational Bulletin 21-29: Cochlear Implant Policy

Informational Bulletin 21-28: Acts 204 and 433: Providers of Psychosocial Rehabilitation (PSR) Services

Informational Bulletin 21-27: COVID-19 Vaccine Administration in FQHCs and RHCs throughout the PHE (Retired)

Informational Bulletin 21-26: Skin Substitutes for Chronic Diabetic Lower Extremity Ulcers

Informational Bulletin 21-24: Professional Services Program

Informational Bulletin 21-23: Early and Periodic Screening, Diagnostic and Treatment (EPSDT) Preventive Screening Services - Use of TD (RN) Modifier

Informational Bulletin 21-22: Medicaid Dental Benefit Plan Manager Provider Issue Resolution

Informational Bulletin 21-21: Changes to Behavioral Health Services in Federally Qualified Health Centers and Rural Health Clinics (Revised January 14, 2022)

Informational Bulletin 21-20: EPSDT Policy (Revised October 1, 2021)

Informational Bulletin 21-19: Physician Administered Medication Policy

Informational Bulletin 21-18: Genetic Counseling Policy

Informational Bulletin 21-17: Changes to DME, PDHC, Home Health, Rehab and PCS, and Pharmacy due to Tropical Storm Ida (Revised September 10, 2021)

Informational Bulletin 21-16: Durable Medical Equipment Manual Pricing Project for Certain HCPCS Codes (Revised September 27, 2021)

Informational Bulletin 21-15: General Anesthesia and Facility Reimbursement Increase for Dental Treatment (Revised April 24, 2023)

Informational Bulletin 21-14: Enrollee Reassignment Policy Update (Retired. Refer to IB 19-6)

Informational Bulletin 21-13: Tobacco Cessation Counseling During Pregnancy

Informational Bulletin 21-12: Open Enrollment for Medicaid Managed Care and Dental Plans 

Informational Bulletin 21-11: Reimbursement Update: 2021 COVID-19 Vaccine and Treatment Administration 

Informational Bulletin 21-10: Obstetric Ultrasound Policy Update

Informational Bulletin 21-9: Finding a Specialist (Revised June 15, 2023)

Informational Bulletin 21-8: LSU Enhanced Professional Service Fees to be Paid Effective 1/1/2021

Informational Bulletin 21-7: Bipartisan Budget Act of 2018 and Changes to Medicaid Provisions for “Pay and Chase” Passed April 2019 – Third Party Liability in Medicaid and CHIP

Informational Bulletin 21-6: HCPCS and Physician-Administered Drug Reimbursement Updates

Informational Bulletin 21-5: New Louisiana Medicaid Provider Enrollment Portal (Retired. Refer to IB 22-4)

Informational Bulletin 21-4: Extended Home Health – Overtime Modifier

Informational Bulletin 21-3: Developmental Screening, Autism Screening, and Perinatal Depression Screenings

Informational Bulletin 21-2: NEMT Provider Issue Resolution (Revised February 3, 2025)

Informational Bulletin 21-1: Donor Human Milk

Informational Bulletin 20-23: EPSDT Periodicity Schedule

Informational Bulletin 20-22: ESRD Facilities and Independent Laboratory – Non-Routine Laboratory Services (Revised November 20, 2020)

Informational Bulletin 20-21: Inpatient Concurrent Care

Informational Bulletin 20-20: Obstetric Ultrasounds by Maternal Fetal Medicine Specialists

Informational Bulletin 20-19: Open Enrollment for Medicaid Dental Plans

Informational Bulletin 20-18: Open Enrollment for Medicaid Managed Care Plans

Informational Bulletin 20-17: Hurricane Delta and Laura Provider Assistance FAQs (Revised October 8, 2020)

Informational Bulletin 20-16: Long-term Electroencephalography (EEG) Setup and Monitoring

Informational Bulletin 20-15: Dental Members and Plan Choice vs. Provider Steering

Informational Bulletin 20-14: Tobacco Cessation for Pregnant Women (Retired)

Informational Bulletin 20-13: Infection Control Guidance for Home Health Agencies

Informational Bulletin 20-12: COVID-19 Update for PDHC Facilities (Retired)

Informational Bulletin 20-11: Teledentistry during the COVID-19 Declared Emergency (Retired)

Informational Bulletin 20-10: Revised 96-A Hysterectomy Acknowledgment Form

Informational Bulletin 20-9: EPSDT Personal Care Services (Retired)

Informational Bulletin 20-8: Federal COVID-19 Provider Funding Information (Retired)

Informational Bulletin 20-7: COVID-19 – SUD Telemedicine/Telehealth (Retired)

Informational Bulletin 20-6: COVID-19 – LMHP Telemedicine/Telehealth (Retired)

Informational Bulletin 20-5: COVID-19 Provider Update (Retired)

Informational Bulletin 20-4: COVID-19 – MHR Telemedicine/Telehealth (Retired) 

Informational Bulletin 20-3: Changes to Website (Revised April 23, 2020)

Informational Bulletin 20-2: 2020 HCPCS and Physician-Administered Drug Reimbursement Updates (Retired)

Informational Bulletin 20-1: Telemedicine and Telehealth Billing Changes for RHCs and FQHCs (Retired)

Informational Bulletin 19-16: LPC and LMFT Reimbursement at FQHCs and RHCs (Retired)

Informational Bulletin 19-15: Hospice Fee Schedule Federal Fiscal Year 2020 (Retired. Refer to fee schedule.)

Informational Bulletin 19-14: Act 370 – Limitation on Hours of Community Psychiatric Support and Treatment and Psychosocial Rehabilitation Services

Informational Bulletin 19-13: Electronic Visit Verification for EPSDT Personal Care Services

Informational Bulletin 19-12: Extended Home Health Modifiers

Informational Bulletin 19-11: Telemedicine/Telehealth Billing Changes (Revised May 18, 2022)

Informational Bulletin 19-10: Oxygen Probe Coverage (Retired. Refer to Medicaid Services Manual, Durable Medical Equipment.)

Informational Bulletin 19-9: Definitive Drug Testing (Revised February 23, 2021)

Informational Bulletin 19-8: CLIA Number Information (Revised January 3, 2020)

Informational Bulletin 19-7: Behavioral Health Alternate Payment Methodology in FQHCs and RHCs (Retired)

Informational Bulletin 19-6: Member Reassignment Policy Core Elements (Revised March 4, 2024)

Informational Bulletin 19-5: Breast Pump Coverage – Attestation and Equipment Requirements (Retired)

Informational Bulletin 19-4: 2019 HCPCS and Physician-Administered Drug Reimbursement Updates (Retired)

Informational Bulletin 19-3: Medicaid Provider Issue Resolution (Revised February 3, 2025)

Informational Bulletin 19-2: EPSDT Personal Care Services – Administration of Medicine

Informational Bulletin 19-1: Reimbursement for Lynch Syndrome and Familial Adenomatous Polyposis Genetic Testing (Retired. Refer to MCO Manual.)

Informational Bulletin 18-22: Non-Invasive Prenatal Testing (Retired. Refer to MCO Manual.)

Informational Bulletin 18-21: Immunization Coverage Update – Hepatitis B Adult 2 Dose Vaccine (Retired. Refer to fee schedule.)

Informational Bulletin 18-20: New Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) Codes (Retired. Refer to Medicaid Services Manual, Applied Behavior Analysis.)

Informational Bulletin 18-19: Durable Medical Equipment Coverage of Electric Breast Pumps (Retired. Refer to Medicaid Services Manual, Durable Medical Equipment.)

Informational Bulletin 18-18: Reimbursement for Continuous Glucose Monitoring Devices (Retired. Refer to Medicaid Services Manual, Durable Medical Equipment.)

Informational Bulletin 18-17: Physician Requirements for Ordering Home Health Services: Face-to-Face Encounter Documentation (Retired. Refer to Medicaid Services Manual, Home Health.)

Informational Bulletin 18-16: Home Health Program: Federal and State Changes (Retired. Refer to Medicaid Services Manual, Home Health.)

Informational Bulletin 18-15: Preventive Medicine Visits for Women (Retired. Refer to MCO Manual.)

Informational Bulletin 18-14: Act 582 – Providers of Community Psychiatric Support and Treatment or Psychosocial Rehabilitation Services (Retired. Refer to Medicaid Services Manual, Behavioral Health Services.)

Informational Bulletin 18-13: Hospice Fee Schedule Federal Fiscal Year 2019 (Retired)

Informational Bulletin 18-12: Non-Emergency Ambulance Program to Non-ER Provider Sites (Retired 5/11/2021)

Informational Bulletin 18-11: Physician Administered Drugs Reimbursement Changes (Retired)

Informational Bulletin 18-10: Increased Security Measures for Provider Portal Login, MEVS Access (Retired)

Informational Bulletin 18-9: Home Health Program – Federal and State Changes (Retired)

Informational Bulletin 18-8: Hospice Fee Schedule (Retired)

Informational Bulletin 18-7: Common Observation Policy

Informational Bulletin 18-6: Portable Oxygen Coverage and Reimbursement (Retired. Refer to Medicaid Services Manual, Durable Medical Equipment.)

Informational Bulletin 18-5: Rehabilitation Therapy Services  (Revised November 28, 2023)

Informational Bulletin 18-4: 2018 Louisiana Medicaid EPSDT Periodicity Schedule (Made obsolete by IB 20-23)

Informational Bulletin 18-3: Open Enrollment for Healthy Louisiana Plans (Retired)

Informational Bulletin 18-2: Standardized Assessment for Members Receiving CPST and PSR (Retired. Refer to Medicaid Services Manual, Behavioral Health Services.)

Informational Bulletin 18-1: 2018 HCPCS and Fee Schedule Updates

Informational Bulletin 17-14: Neonatal/Pediatric Critical Care Billing (Retired. Refer to MCO Manual.)

Informational Bulletin 17-13: Clarification of Louisiana Medicaid Policy Regarding Pediatric Moderate Conscious Sedation (Retired)

Informational Bulletin 17-12: Applied Behavior Analysis Services (Retired. Refer to Medicaid Services Manual, Applied Behavior Analysis.)

Informational Bulletin 17-11: Changes to Pharmacy Services due to Tropical Storm Nate (Retired effective Oct. 9, 2017 at 11:59 p.m.)

Informational Bulletin 17-10: Changes to Durable Medical Equipment due to Tropical Storm Nate (Retired effective Oct. 9, 2017 at 11:59 p.m.)

Informational Bulletin 17-9: Managed Care Organization (MCO) Pharmacy Reimbursement and Appeals (Retired)

Informational Bulletin 17-8: Louisiana Healthcare Connections Pharmacy Claims Processor Change (Retired)

Informational Bulletin 17-7: Hurricane Harvey Provider Assistance FAQs (Retired)

Informational Bulletin 17-6: Influenza Virus Vaccine (CPT Code 90686) Age Revision (Retired)

Informational Bulletin 17-5: Admissions for Post-Acute Care (Retired)

Informational Bulletin 17-4: Amerigroup Name Change (Retired)

Informational Bulletin 17-3: Open Enrollment for Healthy Louisiana Plans (Retired)

Informational Bulletin 17-2: Opioid Epidemic (Retired)

Informational Bulletin 17-1: Naloxone Standing Order (Retired)

Informational Bulletin 16-24: VFC Coverage of Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) Vaccine, CPT Code 90651 (Retired)

Informational Bulletin 16-23: Papanicolaou Test (Pap Test) Age Criteria (Retired. Refer to MCO Manual.)

Informational Bulletin 16-22: Billing Immunization Adminstration Code 90472

Informational Bulletin 16-21: Global Maternity Procedure Codes (Revised June 16, 2017)

Informational Bulletin 16-20: Open Enrollment for Healthy Louisiana Plans (Retired)

Informational Bulletin 16-19: Breast Reconstruction Post Mastectomy (Retired. Refer to MCO Manual.)

Informational Bulletin 16-18: Medicaid Policy: Genetic Testing for Breast and Ovarian Cancer (BRCA) (Retired. Refer to MCO Manual.)

Informational Bulletin 16-17: Prevention of Unintended Pregnancy and Risks Associated with Zika

Informational Bulletin 16-16: Emergency Contraception Preferred Products as a Medicaid MCO Outpatient Pharmacy Benefit (Retired)

Informational Bulletin 16-15: Private Third Party Liability (TPL) and Medicare Advantage Plan Update Request Change (Revised May 2, 2023)

Informational Bulletin 16-14: Common Treatment Plan Elements for Specialized Mental Health and Substance Use Services (Retired)

Informational Bulletin 16-13: Request for Consideration of Medical & Dental Benefit Coverage for Louisiana Medicaid

Informational Bulletin 16-12: Prevention of Zika Virus in Louisiana (Revised August 11, 2016)

Informational Bulletin 16-11: Billing and Ordering Guidance for Long Acting Reversible Contraceptives (LARCs): Intrauterine Devices (IUD) and Implants (Retired. Refer to MCO Manual.)

Informational Bulletin 16-10: Billing for Specialized Mental Health and Substance Use Services for Members with Commercial Insurance and Medicaid (Revised September 1, 2017)

Informational Bulletin 16-9: 340B Policy Clarification (Revised January 6, 2023. This IB was previously retired. It has been made active again until a replacement IB is issued.)

Informational Bulletin 16-8: Managing Third Party Liability (TPL) Updates for Medicaid Enrollees (Retired)

Informational Bulletin 16-7: Professional Services Fluoride Varnish Program Policy (Revised June 27, 2017)

Informational Bulletin 16-6: Billing/Claims Submission Processes for Specialized Behavioral Health Services for Members Enrolled in One or More of The Following: Healthy Louisiana, Magellan or fee for service Medicaid 

Informational Bulletin 16-5: Managed Care Plan Progesterone Billing and Ordering Guide (Retired. Refer to MCO Manual.)

Informational Bulletin 16-4: Pre-Admission Screening and Resident Review (PASRR) Process for Nursing Home Placement

Informational Bulletin 16-3: Billing for Behavioral Health Services for Non-CSoC Healthy Louisiana Members (Revised September 1, 2017)

Informational Bulletin 16-2: Claims Processing Edits for Provider Taxonomy (Retired) 

Informational Bulletin 16-1: Billing for Rehabilitation Services (Retired)  

Informational Bulletin 15-21: Behavioral Health Service Provider Licensing Rule (Retired) 

Informational Bulletin 15-20: Non-Emergency Ambulance Transportation for Nursing Home Residents (Retired. Refer to MCO Manual.)

Informational Bulletin 15-19: Authorization of IOP, Detox, TGH and Inpatient Specialized Behavioral Health Services - Effective Dec. 1, 2015 (Retired) 

Informational Bulletin 15-18: Authorization of Specialized Behavioral Health Outpatient Services - Effective Dec. 1, 2015 (Retired) 

Informational Bulletin 15-17: Billing for Specialized Mental Health and Substance Use Services for Dual Eligibles (Revised January 31, 2024)

Informational Bulletin 15-16: Medicaid Transportation Coverage (Retired. Refer to MCO Manual.)

Informational Bulletin 15-15: Completion of Assessment for Certain Specialized Mental Health Services Available Only Through 1915(i) Program Prior to 12/1/15 (Retired)

Informational Bulletin 15-14: Timely Notification Requirements for Specialized Behavioral Health Inpatient Admission (Revised January 10, 2023)

Informational Bulletin 15-13: Identification of Louisiana Medicaid Enrollees' Current Bayou Health Plan for Specialized Behavioral Health Services and NEMT (Revised September 1, 2017)

Informational Bulletin 15-12: Open Enrollment for Managed Care Plans (Retired)

Informational Bulletin 15-11: Behavioral Health Provider Next Steps Toward Integration (Retired)  

Informational Bulletin 15-10: Applied Behavior Analysis (Retired)

Informational Bulletin 15-9: Shared Savings Close Out Notice (Retired)

Informational Bulletin 15-8: Certification of Behavioral Health Providers (Retired)

Informational Bulletin 15-7: Billing for Behavioral Health Services for Managed Care Members (Retired)

Informational Bulletin 15-6: MCO CPT/CPCS Update (Retired)

Informational Bulletin 15-5: Retrospective Eligibility Requests for Precertification (Retired) 

Informational Bulletin 15-4: Medicaid Recipient Insurance Updates (Retired) 

Informational Bulletin 15-3: Covered and Non-Covered Inpatient Hospital Days (Retired) 

Informational Bulletin 15-2: EPSDT Personal Care Services (PCS) (Retired. Refer to Medicaid Services Manual, Personal Care Services.)

Informational Bulletin 15-1: Elective Deliveries (Retired)

Informational Bulletin 14-3: Non-OB Anesthesia Services and Claims (Retired)

Informational Bulletin 14-2: Bayou Health Pharmacy Prior Authorization Request and Appeals Process (Retired)

Informational Bulletin 14-1: Bayou Health ICD-10 Provider Testing (Retired)

Informational Bulletin 13-3: Dispensing Prescription Medication In the Event of an Emergency (Retired)

Informational Bulletin 13-2: Health Plan Provider Claims Disputes and Resolution (Retired Feb. 1, 2019; See IB 19-3)

Informational Bulletin 13-1: National Correct Coding Initiative (Retired)

Informational Bulletin 12-31: Bayou Health Members and Plan Choice vs Provider Steering (Revised April 25, 2018)

Informational Bulletin 12-30: Pharmacy Benefit and Out of Network Policies (Retired)

Informational Bulletin 12-29: Pharmacy Benefit and Protocols for Synagis (Retired)

Informational Bulletin 12-28: General Provider Information for Concurrent Review (Retired)

Informational Bulletin 12-27: Provider Issue Escalation and Resolution (Retired Feb. 1, 2019; See IB 19-3)

Informational Bulletin 12-26: Billing Bayou Health Members 

Informational Bulletin 12-25: Hospital Claims Payment for Dental Services by an Oral Surgeon (Revised January 5, 2023)

Informational Bulletin 12-24: Bayou Health and Home Health Nursing Services (Retired)

Informational Bulletin 12-23: Effective Date of Health Plan Enrollment (Retired)

Informational Bulletin 12-22: NICU Precert/Authorization of Days and Concurrent Review (Retired)

Informational Bulletin 12-21: OB Admit/Birth Notification (Retired)

Informational Bulletin 12-20: Situational Fax Numbers for Hospitals to Submit Clinical Information and/or Prior Authorization Requests (Retired)

Informational Bulletin 12-19: Hospital Observation Hours (Retired)

Informational Bulletin 12-18: Billing for Behavioral Health Services for Bayou Health Members (Retired)

Informational Bulletin 12-17: Provider Registry and Provider Directories (Retired)

Informational Bulletin 12-16: Algorithm for Auto Assignment to a Health Plan (Revised September 1, 2017)

Informational Bulletin 12-15: Referral and Prior Authorization Policies (Retired)

Informational Bulletin 12-14: Administrative Support to PCPs for EPSDT Screenings (Retired)

Informational Bulletin 12-13: Provider Reimbursement and Cash Flow (Retired) 

Informational Bulletin 12-12: Bayou Health Enrollees Who Move to an Area Where Bayou Health is Not Yet Implemented (Retired)

Informational Bulletin 12-11: Vision Services for Bayou Health Members (Retired) 

Informational Bulletin 12-9: How Bayou Health Will Affect EPSDT and General Claim Submission (Retired)

Informational Bulletin 12-8: How to Schedule Non-Emergency Transportation Services (NEMT) for Healthy Louisiana Members (Retired. Refer to MCO Manual.)

Informational Bulletin 12-7: Reimbursement for Emergency Care (Retired)

Informational Bulletin 12-6: Provider Relations 24/7 Contact Information, Emergency Prior Authorization Requests and Hospital Admissions (Retired)

Informational Bulletin 12-5: Newborn Enrollment (Revised March 4, 2015)

Informational Bulletin 12-4: Continuity of Care for Pregnant Women (Retired)

Informational Bulletin 12-3: Member ID Cards (Revised January 20, 2021)

Informational Bulletin 12-2: Referrals Issued Prior to Go Live (Retired) 

Informational Bulletin 12-1: Members Assigned to "Wrong" Health Plan or "Wrong" PCP & Health Plan's Policies and Procedures for Payment In-Network and Out-of-Network  (Retired)


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